
The Phantom to 'Hog Blog

Bits I Left Out

Bits I Left Out

 C’MON, Let’s Go to the Stag Bar While we’re waiting patiently (or not) for to send you the book that you ordered, let’s take a step back in time–to a much more enjoyable place. I don’t know how things are done now, but in the good ol’ days—‘60s to ‘90s—there was a single event… Continue reading

Brat Chat

Brat Chat

BRAT CHAT Ever since I finished writing my book Continue reading

Signed Copy? Updated Solution!

Signed Copy? Updated Solution!

HOT!!! HOT!!! HOT!!! When you receive your copy of From F-4 Phantom to A-10 Warthog………………………………………………………………… No matter where you are or who you purchased your book from, to request a genuine signature plate for your copy follow the checklist below: 1. Draft an email to 2. Use ‘Phantom to Warthog Signature Plates’ as your… Continue reading



Welcome to my website and my Blog. In this News feature, I hope to keep you up to date on the progress of ‘F-4 Phantom to A-10 Warthog’; so as to provide an opportunity to get in touch via the website. If you have comments or questions about the world of the fighter pilot, I’ll… Continue reading